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Quantitative Risk Analysis 101

Quantitative risk analysis (QRA) is an approach used to assess and quantify risks in a project, process, or investment by assigning probabilistic values to potential...

Introduction to RATA Data Analysis

What is RATA Analysis? RATA (Rate-All-That-Apply) is a survey or sensory evaluation technique used to assess multiple attributes of a product, concept, or experience. It...

Introduction to MaxDiff Analysis

What is MaxDiff analysis? MaxDiff (Maximum Difference Scaling) also called BWS (Best Worst Scaling), is a survey research technique used to measure preferences or the...

Qualitative Data Analysis 101

It’s well known that qualitative data analysis software (QDA software) provides significant advantages to researchers, particularly regarding time saved on clerical work which “frees the...

Monte Carlo Simulation Examples

As a cornerstone of optimal decision-making in many fields, from the prediction of financial success to the reliability of power sources, Monte Carlo simulations offer a way to...

An Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo Simulation 101 In today’s fast-paced world, making well-informed decisions is crucial for business success. Markets fluctuate, customer behaviors shift, and countless external factors...

Navigating Accreditation Management

A Dive into Documentation, Evidence Gathering and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Accreditation management is a multi-faceted process that requires meticulous planning, systematic implementation, and ongoing...

What is Qualitative Research?

As the demand for deeper understanding and nuanced insights grows across sectors like education, business, healthcare, and government, the value of qualitative research skyrockets. Grasping...

The Basics of Document Analysis

Document analysis is the process of reviewing or evaluating documents both printed and electronic in a methodical manner. The document analysis method, like many other...

Citavi Updates (März 2023)

Wir haben Citavi 6.15.2 veröffentlicht und laden Sie ein, diese Version zu installieren, um die unten aufgeführten Fehler zu beheben. Falls Sie nach dem Öffnen...

Odyssey of a Journal Article

How can I find the journal article my professor mentioned?  My professor recommended a journal article for my research paper... but she didn't mention the exact title, author, or journal name. Now how...

Bibliography hacking

Let your sources' bibliographies do your searching for you Do you often feel like you’re searching for sources in the all the wrong places? Or maybe...

Saving Webpages Long-Term

Tips for saving webpages, blogs, and articles We all know people who prefer to print things they find online before reading them. For me, it’s...

Can you plagiarize yourself?

And other questions regarding self-citation You’re an undergraduate student with a double major in Political Science and Chinese Studies. You write a research paper for...

Get the Gist

Use summaries to better understand difficult academic texts On Monday morning my co-worker asked me about my weekend, as he always does. I replied, “I...

Eat your frog or easy win?

Two approaches for starting your writing sessions  Now that it’s summer, if you’re a graduate and postgraduate student, you’re likely settling in to a writing routine to try to make progress on your dissertation. When your...

Make this your year

Our 6 top tips for a successful new semester A new academic year is a great chance to start over. It’s a time to say...

What is #AcWriMo?

All about Academic Writing Month For many academics, the month of November is associated with making progress on a writing goal. In this blog post,...

No More Multitasking

Taking your research paper one step at a time Whenever it’s morning in the office and the telephone is ringing, countless emails remain unread in...

Focus, please!

Why smartphones are so distracting and how you can build your concentration skills Think back to the last time you were really concentrated on your writing and completely in the...

Help for Hoarders

Three steps for taking control of a growing collection of sources. It's go time. Your advisor's parting words are still ringing in your ears, "Good luck...

Get it from the source

Why you should avoid secondary citations Did you hear what Anna said? I heard from a friend who heard from her boyfriend’s brother that she...

3 Ways to Read Better on a Computer, Tablet, Phone

Reading on screen versus on paper may impact how much you remember. Here’s what you can do. Coursework and research projects require a lot of reading. As more and more articles and books become available in electronic format, it's likely you’ll be doing much of this reading on a screen. However, research studies have shown that you may retain less information when you read something on screen rather than on paper.  Reading on screen versus on paper  Researchers have found problems with retention when reading onscreen materials. One study of tenth-grade students found that they had better recall and had better reading comprehension when they read a text on paper versus on screen. Another study from 2005 looked at changes in reading over the course of the last ten years. It showed that when people read on-screen, they tend to jump around more in the text rather than reading in a linear, focused manner.  ...

What is open science?

Knowledge beyond the ivory tower Whenever I watch someone perform a magic trick, I wonder, “How did he or she do that?” In vain –...

Head in the cloud?

Helpful online tools for academics When was the last time technology left you stranded? For me it was when I was stuck on hold with...

Creativity on demand?

A look at the Planned Accidents blog authors' idea generation and writing process In this third post in our creativity series, blog authors Jenny and...

Basic Cost Engineering with @RISK

This article offers a simple and concise explanation of the Monte Carlo simulation, a technique that combines statistical concepts (random sampling) with the ability of...

7 Tips for Citing Links

Our recommendations for working with URLs Gone are the days of citing only printed materials when writing a research paper or thesis. Depending on your...

How to Write a Proposal

The blueprint for your writing project In everyday language, the word “proposal” is probably most frequently used in the context of marriage or business. In...

Digital Highlighting Done Right

Methods for annotating academic texts Do you have any academic guilty pleasures? During my studies, I certainly did: highlighters. I absolutely loved marking up my...

A Citation Style Glossary

Citation Terms Explained in Plain English As a university student, you’re expected to adhere to citation style guidelines for your papers – but that can...

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