Read PDFs and use Citavi's annotation tools to highlight important sections and save them for additional work in Citavi.
Citavi fits all reading styles: you can minutely analyze and comment on the text – or quickly highlight the most important sections. It's up to you!
Just click to jump from the text you saved to its original location in the PDF.
Keep track of connections between references, for example, if one source reviews, criticizes, or responds to another.
Last, but not least: when what you read sparks a new idea, save it in Citavi. One click, and then you'll never forget it.
Avoid Plagiarism
All quotations, comments, and summaries automatically include their source information.
Citavi protects you from unintentional plagiarism.
Postpone or Delegate work
You can't always do everything right away. Create tasks for text passages that you need to take care of later (for example, "fact check" or "go through bibliography").
Assign tasks within a team and delegate work to others.
Keywords, Categories, Evaluations
Keywords are often added automatically after an import. If you don't want them, disable the option and create your own keyword system.
Citavi's hierarchical category system is perfect for organizing references, quotations, and thoughts into sections for a future paper.
Write up a detailed evaluation for your references or quickly rate them with stars.
Search Full Text and Project Information
Search your PDF full text to find text passages and discover connections.
Use Citavi's Quick Search to locate project information, references, quotations, etc.
Use Citavi's Advanced Search to combine terms with AND, OR, NOT, >, <, and to truncate terms with the placeholders ? and *.
Select and Group References
Create temporary selections using labels and Citavi's built-in filters (by year, periodical, publisher, etc.). Or define and save your own filter.
Create special reference groupings – for example, for a one-time presentation or for a bibliography grouped by primary and secondary sources.
Work Sustainably
Save what's important to you in Citavi and continually add to your own personal knowledge database.
This is helpful for current projects and your future work.